

أهلًا وسهلًا Did you know that Qatar is home to one hundred and eighty different nationalities? In fact, Qataris are and have been a minority for decades now. The largest groups making up Qatar’s population are from India and Napal. Included in the population are the third largest group of expatriates from the Philippines. Because of a huge influx of male laborers, women account for just 25% of the population.  

Although there are many foreign workers which create broad divisions and sub-divisions between citizens and foreigners the atmosphere is one of comfortable and tolerant co-existence. As with most countries in the Arab and Muslim world, it is considered rude not to extend hospitality to strangers. Tea, coffee, food, and a cool place to sit should be offered to any visitor. Conversely, it is rude not to accept hospitality.

Social behavior is conducted in a manner respectful of family privacy, hospitality, and the public separation of the genders. For the foreign traveler such considerations can present a challenge to photographing the amazing diversity and beauty of the people. While negative perceptions can hamper your efforts, spending time with your subjects can achieve rich rewards.  

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