South America

South America

Bem Vendo! Did you know that Latin America and South America mean two different things? While South America refers to the continent where you will find countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and so forth, Latin America refers those countries that share a common culture, history and language (Latin-based). Of course, these would not include Belize, Guyana and Suriname whose official language is either English or Dutch.

While South America offers much to be seen in way of its people, flora and fauna, this gallery will sample just three countries – Argentina, Colombia and Uruguay. Often, South America gets a bad rap for its perceived violence in places like Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. However, Uruguay is the safest country in South America with a high standard of living and low crime rate.


With the shear breath-taking beauty of places like Patagonia, Foz de Iguaçu, Torres del Paine, Machu Picchu – to name just a pitiful few, one may wonder why focus on people? It is a valid question, and the answer is simple. The people of South America are just as beautiful and varied as its landscape. Nowhere is this more evident than in the country of Brazil.  Still, it would be unfortunate not to return one day to capture the majesty of its natural wonders.

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